Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sunday, January 26

Today I woke up late and didn’t have a chance to run because we had to leave the cabana before noon. I helped pack up the car and put all the food in the cooler, and then Monse, Laurie, and I played escoba for a while to help Laurie learn how to play. Then we all piled into the car and drove for like 2 hours to this German village in the south where they were having their annual bierfest. We parked the car and walked around the artisan fair, played on the jungle gym equipment, walked through the nearby gardens, and tried some weird flavored beers (like chocolate and lucuma flavor).
Later, we all sat down in the restaurant and had German food. Monse and I shared a roasted chicken breast, while the rest of them got more exotic and scary looking dishes of meat. Then, while Nancy was out buying German food from the little store they had, Tata bought us all soft serve ice cream. Then we all got back in the car and drove all the way back to Talca. It was like a 3 hour drive and the entire time we watched this Mexican telenovela. It was honestly really dumb and dramatic but I got pretty into it. We got to Talca, quickly dropped Abueli off at her house (she’s Eric’s mom), and then went back to our grandparents’ house to pack up all our stuff. We left in about an hour for Rancagua (the grandparents came with us because they had doctors’ appointments in Santiago in the morning) and arrived around 9. I helped Nancy unpack the cooler and then make dinner—chancho en piedra (which is tomatoes crushed up with a mortar and pestle and mixed with garlic, salt, and oil. After we ate, I talked to my friends on Facebook for a while—my phone wasn’t working and I’m going to have to go fix it—and went to sleep.

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