Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wednesday, August 28

This morning I woke up feeling good because I slept so much the night before. During religion, we watched a movie in English with Spanish subtitles. It was weird to think that I was the only person in the class who didn’t have to read the subtitles to understand. Sometimes I find it weird to think that out of all the people around me, I am the only one thinking in English. I don’t know… it’s just an interesting thought that crosses my mind from time to time. After religion, we had Spanish, and then a test in PD3 (History). Then we ate lunch and went to English. The English teacher gave us a worksheet and while everyone was doing the exercises in English, he told me that I had to try to translate everything into Spanish. I worked on that for a while until the religion teacher came to get me for our weekly meeting. We went to his office and he gave me and the other girl Antonia books about Catholicism. We read the first chapter and talked about it together. It was a little more candid than I would have liked. He flat out asked me for my view on abortion, and I felt a little uncomfortable saying that I wasn’t sure and I thought that the mother should have a choice. But I really like learning more about the Catholic religion, especially since I am so surrounded by it here. The weekly classes are really interesting. After English we had art. Two days a week we have to stay at school until 4:30 (art on Wednesdays and sports on Thursdays).

After school I went home and Skyped with my mom for a few minutes, and then my friends Joaquin and Lila showed up at my house. We talked for a while and then ate dinner (I showed them the magic of bread with peanut butter—which they had never tried before because nobody eats peanut butter here). Then they left and I had to change clothes really fast before my friend Matias picked me up to go help with his English project again.
I wrote their entire script again. He and his friends may be terrible at English but they are hilarious. They were like dancing and pretending to drink beer and flirt with each other in the background while one of them pretended to be a newscaster speaking English. I had a lot of fun with them. When I got home, I showered, watched a little TV with Monse and Maxi, and went to sleep.

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