My parents picked me up from the office and we went home and
ate a quick lunch of the typical Chilean soup cazuela. Then we all packed our
overnight bags and got in the car to drive to Pomaire. Pomaire is like a small
tourist town about 2 hours north of our house where they sell handmade crafts,
empanadas, and pots and pans made out of this special clay.
We walked around
and looked in all the shops. Most of them sold basically the same items made
out of clay, but some also had especially handmade crafts and cool items that I’d
never seen before. Pomaire is famous for having fantastic empanadas (and big
ones—10 kilos!!!), so we ate some empanadas. I bought a souvenir that is
supposed to bring me good luck, and then we left for Santiago around 7.
When we got to Santiago, we went to the Jumbo to pick up
some groceries. I think Maxi was getting a little tired of hanging out with
Monse so much, so he and I went off to look at all the stuff in the supermarket
while our parents and Monse shopped for what we needed. I cannot reiterate
enough how interesting all the food in the supermarket is for me. After we
finished at the Jumbo, we went to the apartment of the family friends that we
would be staying with. Nancy and the woman we stayed with are old friends who
met when their sons (Cristobal and Nacho) were in preschool together. I met the
whole family—the two kids are Catalina (14) and Nacho (17). We all ate dinner
together, and then they taught me a typical Chilean card game. Then we talked
for a while and played GTA. We stayed up talking until 4 in the morning, but I
enjoyed myself so much that I wasn’t even tired. I love that everyone here
tries really hard to include me and ask me questions about the United States so
that I can be a part of the conversation. We finally went to sleep around 4—Nancy,
Monse, and I sleeping in a room together.
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