Saying goodbye to my
friends and family this week has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had
to do. It has been so weird to hang out with friends for a day during the
summer and then when we say goodbye to know that it is not just goodbye until
summer vacation ends but goodbye for a year. This morning, I had lots of
visitors at my house. Kim, Ilana, Emily, Ana, Curly, Katie, and Mel all came
over to say goodbye. I quickly realized how much I hate goodbyes. They are
awkward, and they never feel like enough compared to all the emotions you have
for a person and all of the wonderful experiences you’ve had together. I would
rather simply let all the great moments we have had together speak for
themselves. Those times when we sang at the top of our lungs in the car and
laughed until we couldn’t breathe say “I love you and I’ll miss you” so much
more clearly than any words ever could. But, closure was necessary, and so the
awkward, teary goodbyes were unavoidable. This week has made me realize just
how grateful I am to have such amazing friends whom I can completely be myself
around and who love me so much. I am more nervous than I’d like to admit that
they will all grow close without me next year, and that when I come back things
won’t be the same and I will feel left out. However, I believe that we have a
bond strong enough to last 10 months and 5,000 miles with no problem.
After I left my parents, it hit me that I was now totally alone. I have never flown alone before, and although I was completely confident that I could navigate the airport and find my flights, it was an odd feeling to be so totally in charge of myself. I got some coffee, sat down, and waited for my flight (I had about an hour and a half to kill since I was so prepared and got there early). I can’t really describe my emotions. I was so incredibly sad to be leaving my family and friends behind for so long, I felt completely alone, and I was nervous to take such a leap into the unknown. At the same time, I was so unbelievably excited to be embarking on the adventure of a lifetime. I couldn’t stop thinking about every little new thing that I would experience. Even just going to the mall, walking around, or watching TV suddenly seemed new and exciting! I have been dreaming of this for so long, and now that dream is a reality. It’s actually starting. While I sat waiting for my plane, I alternated between being on the verge of tears, and feeling like jumping around and celebrating.
The first plane ride (3 hours from John Wayne to Dallas) was
easy and painless. I sat in the window seat and the people next to me were very
nice. I am not very talkative when I’m with my parents because I always just
let them do the talking for me, but when I am alone I love to chat with people.
I guess I’ll have plenty of opportunities for that now! My dad warned me that
the Dallas airport can be very confusing, and when I got off the plane I
realized that he was right. I didn’t have too many problems following the
signs, but I had to take a tram to another terminal to get to my next gate. I
arrived with about 2 hours to spare, so I went and got some dinner and some
coffee (I know it sounds like I am becoming a coffee addict) and waited at my
gate. I sent a message to my mom saying that I loved her and that I was safely
in Dallas. I also sent messages to my host family saying that I couldn’t wait
to see them in just 10 hours after 3 months of talking and waiting to actually
meet! While I was waiting in the airport a guy noticed my Rotary blazer and
asked me about it. He was from Chile and had a friend who studied abroad in
Germany with Rotary a few years ago. I guess they were right, and that being a
part of the Rotary program can make you friends in the most unlikely places. I
then boarded the TEN HOUR flight to Chile. I was asked to sit in an emergency
exit row. Is it weird that I was excited about this? The man next to me was
from Chile and we had a long conversation in Spanish. I told him about what I
was doing and he told me a lot about Chile and what to expect. I was shocked by
how much I could understand and by how well he could understand my broken and
unfinished sentences with almost every verb conjugated incorrectly. I am so
excited to go to a place where everyone is so friendly and welcoming… and
willing to humor my terrible Spanish and speak slowly enough for me to
I am still sitting on the plane, getting ready to try to
sleep. I arrive at 8:20 tomorrow morning, and I want to be able to do things
with my host family tomorrow and not be too tired, so hopefully I can sleep
now. For now, I am not missing my family too much; I am just incredibly excited
for this experience to begin. I know these next few days are going to be a
whirlwind of emotions and confusion, but I am ready. I can’t believe that this
is actually happening. My dream is finally coming true.
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